Six Qualities Of A Good Leader

Six Qualities Of A Good Leader

Lessons I’ve Learned As An Entrepreneur As I’m thinking about the qualities that define a good leader, there are six characteristics that immediately come to mind. Now, you may be thinking different situations call for different attributes, and on some levels that’s...
Six Work From Home Tips

Six Work From Home Tips

One big transition we’re experiencing from this terrible pandemic is already proving just how adaptable and wonderful the American spirit is. I’m talking about working from home with a great measure of success – keeping businesses and our lives running; figuring out...
Business Cards Are Dead

Business Cards Are Dead

Yes, you read that headline right, I think business cards are dead. I don’t have a business card; and I see no use for business cards in our digital world. Now I’ve had plenty of people look at me funny when they ask me for a card and I tell them I don’t have one, but...