by anthonyclervi | Feb 20, 2025 | Company Culture, Core Values, Effective Leadership
Every successful leader I have met has a group of people around them to lift them up, question them, and help generate success. Once you get to the top, it can be easy to assume that it will be lonely, but that is not true. It is only lonely at the top if you allow it...
by Lillian James | Dec 5, 2024 | Company Culture, Effective Leadership
Tough times within a business can manifest in many different ways: profits might be low, bonuses might not be as much as predicted, layoffs might occur, or a star employee might leave the organization. No matter what happens, you will have to lead your team through...
by Anthony Clervi | Nov 12, 2020 | Company Culture, Core Values, Effective Leadership
Effective leaders don’t just manage employees; they make sure employees are motivated, engaged, and inspired. Overlooking these fundamentals can result in job dissatisfaction, loss of valuable employees, low productivity in the workplace, and poor decision-making,...
by Anthony Clervi | Jun 24, 2020 | Business Strategy, Company Culture, Core Values, Effective Leadership
It’s a daily task, and it’s everything One of the most important aspects of leadership is identifying, creating, and maintaining a healthy company culture. I want to be clear that company culture is not ping pong tables and team outings. Those definitely have their...
by Anthony Clervi | Jun 8, 2020 | Business Strategy, Company Culture, Core Values, Effective Leadership
Psychological safety is a game-changer for businesses. I learned about the concept from a study Google did on powerful and effective teams, and one of the key characteristics that they found was psychological safety. Basically, it means that you have a culture that...
by Anthony Clervi | May 27, 2020 | Business Strategy, Company Culture, Effective Leadership
There’s a strategy to asking questions that effective leaders use to drive results. That strategy is asking the right questions. Questions that motivate employees. Leaders who use this strategy are light years ahead of leaders who don’t ask questions strategically....