by Anthony Clervi | May 15, 2020 | Effective Leadership
Effective leaders find opportunities in mistakes I think we’re all familiar with the notion that you can learn from your failures. But learning from failure is so much more than just a simple notion. From my experience, some of the most effective leaders I’ve been...
by Anthony Clervi | May 5, 2020 | Effective Leadership
Tips for effective Leadership Ah, the ever so scary “c” word. It represents the unknown. Sometimes it’s referred to as adapting and sometimes it’s referred to as pivoting, yikes! It could bring something absolutely, mind-numbingly terrible, or it could be great, but...
by Anthony Clervi | Apr 30, 2020 | Effective Leadership
Lessons I’ve Learned As An Entrepreneur As I’m thinking about the qualities that define a good leader, there are six characteristics that immediately come to mind. Now, you may be thinking different situations call for different attributes, and on some levels that’s...
by Anthony Clervi | Apr 3, 2020 | Effective Leadership
This is a tough time for all of us. We’re all trying to adjust to this crisis, stay healthy and simply stay afloat – something that is challenging on a personal basis and definitely so for businesses. But please take heart. I know from my own experience that adversity...
by Anthony Clervi | Mar 30, 2020 | Effective Leadership, Procurement
When you think Anthony Clervi and Una, you probably don’t immediately think finance industry. Well, I’d like to change your perspective and show you an unexpected way we’re changing the finance industry. Read this recent article, by Brad Anderson of ReadWrite, which...
by Anthony Clervi | Mar 24, 2020 | Effective Leadership
As the world continues to withstand the COVID-19 pandemic, business owners both great and small are taking our own stand against panic and poverty. In my last post, I talked about being a strong leader during this challenging period in our lives. But the longer we’ve...